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PD Dr. Tobias Hof receives Research Grant from the Gerda Henkel Foundation


Tobias Hof, Privatdozent at the Chair for European History (Prof. Patel) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) was awarded a research grant by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for his project on “Global Food Aid for Ethiopia in the 1970s and 1980s”. The grant is for one year with an option to extend for another year. In addition, the Foundation’s generous support makes it possible to undertake numerous archive trips in Germany and abroad.

From the Gerda Henkel Foundation’s press release: The Gerda Henkel Foundation is incorporating 46 new research projects from all over the world into its funding programme. Scholars from a total of 24 different countries have successfully submitted applications, for which the Foundation's Boards approved almost five million euros of funding in total.
