In line with our mission to foster innovative, cutting-edge research on Europe we offer a forum to develop and promote research that transcends both disciplinary and national boundaries. While our fellowship programs enable the international and interdisciplinary exchange in this regard, PHE also serves as hub and home of various research projects.
A selection of large externally funded projects at PHE can be found here:
ERC Advanced Grant InechO
DFG Research Group Cooperation and Competition in the Sciences
DFG Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences / DFG Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe “Universalism and Particularism in European Contemporary History”
Sources and Modes of Order Contestation: The EU and Beyond
Worlds together, worlds apart? Assessing the interplay between European integration and German unification (G2E)
CMY - Junior Scholars Seminar in the Contemporary History of Europe in the World
Completed Projects
- Sources and Modes of Order Contestation: The EU and Beyond
- Worlds together, worlds apart? Assessing the interplay between European integration and German unification (G2E)
- CALM 2.0 - Cambridge-LMU Junior Scholar Exchange Programme
- CALM – Cambridge-LMU PhD Training Collaboration in the Contemporary History of Global Europe
- Summer School in Contemporary European History