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Randall Halle

Prof. Dr. Randall Halle

Simone Veil Fellow (winter term 2022)

Randall Halle ist seit 2006 Inhaber der Klaus W. Jonas Professur für deutsche Film- und Kulturwissenschaft an der University of Pittsburgh.
Er leitet dort das Doktorandenprogramms, Critical European Culture Studies, und wird ab Juli 2023 leiter des European Studies Center/Jean Monnet EUCE.
Er promovierte 1996 an der University of Wisconsin. Von 1996-2006 war er Associate Professor für Germanistik und Filmwissenschaft an der University of Rochester, NY.
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Filmwissenschaft, Europastudien, und German Studies. Seine letzten Veröffentlichung waren zu Transnationalismus und Europäisierung. Seine Aufsätze sind in u.a. New German Critique, Screen, Camera Obscura, German Quarterly, and Film-Philosophy erschienen.
Buchpublikationen (Auswahl): The Europeanization of Cinema (Illinois 2014), German Film after Germany (Illinois 2008), After the Avant-Garde (Camden House, 2008).

Randall Halle is the Klaus W. Jonas Professor of German Film and Cultural Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. He directs the Critical European Culture Studies PhD Program and is incoming director of the European Studies Center/Jean Monnet European Union Center of Excellence at Pitt. His essays have appeared in journals such as EuropeNow, The International Journal of Cultural Policy, and New German Critique. He is the author of among others German Film after Germany: Toward a Transnational Aesthetic (U Illinois, 2008), The Europeanization of Cinema: Interzones and Imaginative Communities (U Illinois, 2014), and Visual Alterity: Seeing Difference in Cinema (U Illinois 2021). His research is focused now on Europe's Moving Images.
Halle has received grants from the NEH, the DAAD, and the SSRC.